Power of transparency: 71 youths get police job with no expense but Tk120 application fee
Of the appointed, 60 are males and 11 females
Seventy one youths got job as police constables paying only Tk120 (application fee) in Brahmanbaria.
Superintendent of Police Mohammad Shakhawat Hossain announced the results of the trainee constable recruitment exam at Brahmanbaria Police Line today (14 March).
Of the appointed, 60 are males and 11 females.
After physical test of 1,738 candidates, a total of 463 were selected for written test. Of them, 289 were selected for viva, and 71 candidates got the job finally.
"The recruitment process has been conducted with a strict adherence to merit and transparency, ensuring 100% fairness. Candidates incurred no expenses apart from the application fee," said SP Shakhawat Hossain.
The general people expressed confidence in the integrity of the recruitment process, he added.