Academic council meeting of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman aviation and aerospace University held
The 14th Academic Council Meeting of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University (BSMRAAU), a pivotal event in the university's academic calendar, was held in the university's conference room.
The esteemed Vice Chancellor of the University, Air Vice Marshal A K M Manirul Bahar, BSP, ndc, hdmc, afwc, psc, ADWC, led the proceedings.
At the beginning, the Respected Vice-Chancellor expressed his immense gratitude to Allah (Subhanallahtala). It recalled the fearless students of the country, with deep sorrow, who sacrificed their lives for the country. He prayed for the departed souls and at the same time prayed for speedy recovery to those who are still undergoing treatment. Later, the Vice-Chancellor informed that the academic council meeting is crucial because it is the highest forum for determining the university's future of education and educational policies. He then briefed the audience on the significant academic activities undertaken since the last 13th Academic Council meeting along with summary of the plan.
At the meeting, the respected Vice Chancellor has also informed everyone about the organised workshop titled 'Innovate for Impact: 'Academic Industry Collaborative Research & Innovation for Building a Smart Bangladesh', industrial training, organisation of 13th special syndicate meeting, guidelines to be followed specifically in terms of spending money allocated in the main operating budget of the fiscal year 2024-25, graduation scholarship award 2024 program, lab development seminar at Dhaka campus, 10 days training on programming, simulations and operation of '3U CUBESAT' and IQAC seminar. Later on, all the meeting agendas were discussed in detail and necessary decisions were taken.