Apex announces Shop and Win campaign winners
Apex Footwear Limited organised the prize handover ceremony of its 25-year celebration Shop and Win campaign at Apex Head Office On Tuesday.
The prizes were handed over to the winners by Firoze Mohammad, Chief Operating Officer, Apex Footwear Ltd, said a press release.
The Shop and Win campaign was launched for online shoppers in celebration of Apex's 25th Year Anniversary.
The campaign ran from 1-30 November 2022 where the three highest online shoppers at Apex4u.com were rewarded with three exclusive grand prizes.
The top three winners were Md Naimul Huda Piju, Maruf Sadif, and Md Al Amin Hossain respectively.
The highest shopper won two return air tickets from Dhaka to Bangkok.
The 2nd highest shopper won 3 days 2 nights stay at sea view executive suite, Ocean Paradise Hotel & Resort and the third-highest shopper won a buffet dinner for two at Amari Dhaka.