Apex partners with IHF School to provide school shoes and bags to underprivileged children
Apex Footwear Limited partnered with It's Humanity Foundation - IHF to support the underprivileged children of IHF School.
Apex team visited the IHF School, Tongi campus on 28 September to spend the day with the children and encourage them in their Art competition and let them express themselves creatively, read a press release.
Apex also gifted 600+ pairs of SchoolSmart school shoes and bags to the children.
Apex officials including Ms. Shaira Zahin Khan, Assistant Manager, Mehnaz Sharmin Nitu, Executive, Titul Kumar Datta, Assistant Manager, Abdullah Al Sakib, Executive were present along with teachers and HQ members of IHF School.
It's Humanity Foundation is focused on enhancing human well-being and extending opportunities to the underprivileged, by providing core education and essential life skills.
IHF School offers free primary education to these children to ensure their basic human rights.
Apex is committed to making a difference in the local communities and each pair of shoes presents a child with confidence and hope for the future. Encouraging and creating confidence in these children is empowering and crucial for their future success, read the PR.