BSRM, BSRM Steels hold Annual General Meetings
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Bangladesh Steel Re-Rolling Mills Ltd and BSRM Steel Ltd have organised their 60th and 20th Annual General Meetings on Wednesday (28 December), reads a press release.
The 60th Annual General Meeting of Bangladesh Steel Re-Rolling Mills was presided over by Alihussain Akberali, chairman of the company.
In the welcome speech, the chairman besides highlighting the various aspects of the company discussed the present economic scenario of the world and its impact on trade & commerce.
He thanked the government for taking various initiatives to face the present economic situation.
Audited Accounts for the financial year 2021-22 along with the Report of the Board of Directors were approved in the meeting.
Shareholders of the company joined the virtual platform and casted their valuable votes using their respective BO IDs.
They passed all agendas including the appointment of Directors and Auditors for the year 2022-23.
Managing Director of the company presented the Report of the Board of Directors and discussed various important issues and the future plans of the company.
35% cash dividend has been approved unanimously by the shareholders in the meeting. Some of the shareholders, present in the meeting also wanted to know various matters regarding the Financial Statements and future plans of the company, which were answered by the company secretary.
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Present shareholders further expressed their confidence, trust, and reliance on the board of directors of the company through their valuable comments.
Managing Director, Directors, Company Secretary, Auditor, independent scrutiniser along with a large number of shareholders were present virtually at the meeting.
The 20th Annual General Meeting of BSRM Steels Limited was also presided over by Alihussain Akberali.
Audited Accounts for the financial year 2021-22 along with the Report of the Board of Directors were approved in the meeting. The company's Managing Director presented the Report of the Board of Directors and discussed upon various important issues and the upcoming future plans of the company.
30% cash dividend has been approved unanimously by the shareholders in the meeting.