Nabila: I worry about the post-pandemic entertainment industry
Nabila talks shutdown life and awaits the end of the pandemic
Actor, model and television presenter Masuma Rahman Nabila has been home quarantined for the last two months like everybody else.
Yet, she has been trying her best to utilize the time in a productive way while working from home.
Recently, she has hosted a program titled, "Nabilar Din Ratri" (Nabila's Day and Night) powered by Grameenphone. In that program, she talked with few celebrities via video call and discussed about their work, daily routine and how they are passing their time during the shutdown.
In the very beginning, Nabila had doubts whether she could make this work or not, as it was her first time to record a whole program on phone. Nonetheless, she was successful in doing so. And, the show has been appreciated and shared vastly on social media channels.
While sharing her experience, Nabila told The Business Standard, "This was totally a new experience for me. I have served as a presenter on live shows, television programs and acted on TV dramas but I never thought that I would ever anchor a program from home.
"This novel Coronavirus compelled me to host the show from my home. Although, I enjoyed working on the show and I had really a quality time with everyone. And throughout this process, my husband Reem has helped me behind the camera."
In 2016, the popular actor and model Nabila acted in Amitabh Reza Chowdhury's thriller film "Aynabaji," alongside Chanchal Chowdhury.
To raise awareness against Coronavirus, Amitabh has recently directed a web-series titled, "Ghore Boshe Aynabaji." The web-series features main characters from the film, "Aynabaji."
Chanchal Chowdhury and Partha Barua also acted in the web-series.
The original film received positive reviews by both critics and movie lovers. Nabila won Meril Prothom Award for her character in the film in 2017.
While speaking about the web-series, Nabila said, "As I have already hosted a show produced from home, working on the web-series turned out comparatively easier for me. And, it was obvious the series was going to be great since it was directed by Amitabh Reza."
Nabila is really concerned about the aftermath of the pandemic. As she stays busy hosting various event all the year round, her main distress is that there would be fewer events in the post pandemic world. Nabila believes darker time waits for us.
Nabila said, "We will have to maintain social distance and take proper safety measurements in order to stay healthy and safe. And this definitely would have an impact in many industries including event management. Consequently, the number of events will decrease. Therefore, I am little scared. Actually, every artist is going through the tough situation. I do not know what is going to happen in near future."
However, Nabila wants everything to be normal again. She remarked, "People are planning to do different things after this epidemic. But I am not expecting much. I just want things to be normal just like before. That is all."
Model turned actor, Nabila started her career in 2006 as a model in a commercial made by Mostofa Sarwar Farooki. She did not have to look back afterwards. She continued to appear on various advertisements. Later, she started acting on TV dramas. Over the years, she became quite a successful television presenter as well.