A migrant kind of love: Inside the long-distance relationships of Bangladesh's migrant workers
While, reportedly, Bangladeshi migrant workers remit well over $20 billion annually, excluding informal channels, we think of our expats only in association with 'remittance,' 'economy,' and what have you. The 'person' disappears behind the stats and numbers.
This first-of-a-kind 'A migrant kind of love' feature not only reminds us of the people but also takes the audience inside the world of long-distance marriages of migrant workers. It explores the psychological effects of the separation, the social stigma, the infidelity, and so much more.
In this podcast, the two TBS Senior Feature Staff Writers -Kamrun Naher and Masum Billah - sat down with Assistant Feature Editor Nusmila Lohani to discuss what they learned while on the job and what they would like readers to take away from this story, which won first place at the Brac Migration Media Award this year.