In pictures: First day of lockdown TBS Report 14 April, 2021, 11:30 am Last modified: 14 April, 2021, 03:18 pm Empty road in the early morning of the lockdown. Photo TBS. Fruit vendors at Badamtoli ghat, Sadarghat area. Photo: TBS Most crowded place, Shapla Chottor Motijhil wear a deserted look. Photo: TBS. Police checking movement pass at Dhanmondi area. Photo TBS Karwan Bazar area on the first day of lockdown. Photo: TBS Markets wear deserted look. Photo: TBS. Road side shops infront of Dhanmondi area. Photo: TBS Police checking movement pass at Dhanmondi 27 no area. Photo: TBS Roadside vendors ser their makeshift shops around Dhanmondi area. Photo: TBS. Police fine a rickshaw puller for violating rules at Shahbagh area. Photo: TBS Police check post has been set at different parts of the city. Photo:TBS Showing Covid-19 test appointment message at Shahbagh checkpoints. Photo TBS Shahbagh Intersection in the first day of lockdown. Photo: TBS. Checking movement pass at Shahbagh area. Photo TBS. Buzzing Iftar bazaar sees a few customers at Karwan Bazaar area. Photo: TBS. Sadarghat water vassel terminal area looks stand still. Photo TBS Keep updated, follow The Business Standard's Google news channel Top News Lockdown 2021 / Covid -19 2nd wave