46.7 lakh people undercounted in latest census: BIDS
With an adjustment of the skipped people, the country’s population rose to 16.98 crores
Some 46.7 lakh people, which is about 2.75% of Bangladesh's total population, were not counted in the Population and Housing Census 2022 of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), said the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS).
After conducting a post-enumeration check (PEC) on the BBS census, BIDS Senior Research Fellow Dr Mohammad Yunus presented the findings at the planning ministry on Monday.
According to the preliminary report of the latest population and housing census published by the BBS in July last year, the total population of the country stood at 16.52 crore, of which, 8.17 crore were males and 8.33 crore females.
With an adjustment of the skipped people, the population rose to 16.98 crores, said Mohammad Yunus.
The BIDS and BBS officials, however, are yet to disclose the final figure of the population, readjusting the number of men and women in the country.
At the event, State Minister for Planning Dr Shamsul Alam said both government institutions – BIDS and BBS – failed to provide accurate gender-disaggregated population figures.
"On the basis of the adjustment factor, I found the population to be 16.98 crores in the country. Why would not you come up with this number?" he said.
On the basis of the undercount factor of male and female, the BIDS and BBS should announce the final figures," the state minister said, adding that the mass people want to know the population size.
BIDS Director General Binayak Sen said the BIDS is only responsible for providing the adjustment factors of the census, not announcing the final figure, which is the job of the BBS.
He also noted that in the 2001 census, there was an undercount of 4.98%, which dropped to 3.97% in the 2011 census and decreased further in the last population census.
Dr Shahnaz Arefin, secretary of the Statistics and Informatics Division, endorsed the adjusted population size announced by the state minister, as well as the opinion of the BIDS DG regarding the BBS's responsibility to announce the final figures.
The BBS will estimate the final figures considering the adjustment factor produced by the BIDS and will publish the data within seven days, the secretary said.
BIDS Findings
BIDS Senior Research Fellow Mohammad Yunus said the BIDS conducted the PEC during 10-16 October last year from 354 sample areas in 64 districts. Some 354 field enumerators and 36 supervisors have been appointed to collect data and supervise the operation.
The number of undercounts is higher in urban areas – especially in cities – where, 3.70% of the population was skipped from the census, while the rate is 2.54% in rural areas.
The highest net coverage error rate is 3.33% in the Sylhet division, where the BBS suspended data collection of the census due to heavy rain and flood. The BIDS found the lowest 2.12% coverage errors in the Rajshahi division.
Besides, 2.79% of the female population was skipped against 2.67% male population.
Moreover, around 2.75% of undercount was reported in the case of Muslims against 2.68% of followers of other religions.