Vulnerable users behind 83% road accidents in Dhaka North: Study
49% of vehicles were travelling above the speed limit in the early morning
Around 83% of the road accidents in the Dhaka North City Corporation areas are caused by vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists, says a recent study.
The Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety 2020-2025 (BIGRS) study also shows that during the early morning hours (between 4.30 am - 6.00 am), 49% of the observed vehicles were travelling above the speed limit, causing tragic accidents.
As part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative, the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU), Centre for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh (CIPRB), and Vital Strategies did the research in Dhaka North City to assess the status of road safety here.
They launched the Status Summary Report (SSR) of the research on Sunday at the Dhaka North City Corporation's conference room.
During the presentation of study findings, Shirin Wadhwaniya from JH-IRU, said, "Vulnerable road users accounted for 83% of reported road traffic fatalities in 2021."
According to the research, in November 2022, 10% of the observed vehicles were travelling above the speed limit on average. Correct helmet use among all occupants was 78%. But correct helmet use among the passengers was only 47%. Seatbelt use was only 57% among the drivers and was very low among passengers (5%). None of the children travelling by vehicle were found using child-seat or child restraints.
Dr Salim Mahmud Chowdhury from the Centre for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh discusses the purpose of the Status Summary Report.
Mahbub E Rabbani, director (road safety) of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), said "We are currently working to set speed limits for all types of roads and assign a safe transportation system in the country."
In the panel discussion, Md Sharif Uddin, additional chief engineer of Dhaka North, stated that road engineering is one of the key factors for ensuring road safety. Engineering principles are being used all around the country while designing new roads or improving the existing ones.
Dr Nusaer Chowdhury, deputy program manager of the Non-Communicable Disease Control (NCDC) programme, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), mentioned that as part of road safety, NCDC of the DGHS is implementing some activities.
Among them, the development of a strategy and action plan for Road Traffic Injury (RTI) victims, conducting research to find out the overall scenario of morbidity, disability, and mortality due to road traffic injury, etc.
Md Salem Reza, chief executive officer of Dhaka North, said the city corporation is implementing road safety activities by developing three circles called traffic engineering circle, mechanical circle, and civil engineering circle.