BRICM to conduct chemical tests at micro level, Bill passed
The Bill is aimed at facilitating the Designated Reference Institute for Chemical Measurements to smoothly conduct tests of its chemical activities by maintaining the ISO standards
The Bangladesh Reference Institute for Chemical Measurements (BRICM), Bill 2020 was passed in Parliament on Tuesday, aiming to facilitate it to conduct the tests of chemicals at micro level.
Science and Technology Affairs Minister Architect Yeafesh Osman placed the Bill in the House and it was passed by voice vote.
The Bill is aimed at facilitating the Designated Reference Institute for Chemical Measurements to smoothly conduct tests of its chemical activities by maintaining the ISO standards.
The institute has been set up for the development of chemical metrology.
For chemical measurement designated Reference Institute for Chemical Measurement was introduced on June 10, 2012 under the Bangladesh Science and Industry Research Council.
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With the new law, this old institute will go under the jurisdiction of Science and Technology Ministry. There will be a director general where the secretary of the Science and Technology Ministry will be the head of the board of directors.
The new institute will continue its communication with the same category international, regional and other organisations.
In the objectives of the bill, the minister said by enacting this law there will be world standard institute in the country which will be able to provide internationally acceptable chemical measurement.