FAO observes International Youth Day: A discussion on the role of youth in transforming food systems
![FAO observes International Youth Day: A discussion on the role of youth in transforming food systems](https://947631.windlasstrade-hk.tech/sites/default/files/styles/big_2/public/images/2021/06/18/fao_1.jpg)
International Youth Day celebrates the qualities of young people and recognises the challenges that today's youth face.
The theme of International Youth Day 2021 is, "Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health", with the aim of highlighting that the success of such a global effort will not be achieved without the meaningful participation of young people.
More than fifty students from seven different universities of the country joined in a discussion with six young entrepreneurs and professionals to emphasize the youths' role in transforming the food systems.
This event was organized by FAO's Dhaka Food System project, an initiative funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Professor Dr Lutful Hassan, Vice Chancellor of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) graced the event as the Chief Guest.
Paula Schindeler, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands was present as the Special Guest, said a press release.
As expressed by youth during the Pre-Summit of the UNFSS in July, young people are concerned about the existing food systems that are no longer fit to purpose. The current generation has not given the next generation the sustainable means of feeding a larger population. Young people are to inherit a planet that will be four degrees warmer, threatening the availability and nutritional quality food.
From farm to fork, food systems account for about one-third of all global greenhouse gases. Our food's value chains are becoming increasingly complex, with foods travelling longer and passing through multiple stages. In addition, food loss and waste became a major challenge in the food systems. More than 1.3 billion tons of food are lost or wasted each year.
People in the age group of 18 to 35 years comprise one third of Bangladesh's population and significant number of them are women. The health, education and active engagement of this segment are crucial for achieving a sustainable food system for the country. The youth wish to point out that leaders today should be investing now to support the youth of tomorrow. There is a large pool of available employment opportunities in the agri-food sector. But, due to limited access to land, natural resources, infrastructure, finance, technology, knowledge and poor working conditions, the sector is not considered appealing and sustainable for youth. They need the opportunities and the environment to be involved in the food systems.
"This year's IYD theme is timely and promising. It is now well recognized that simply producing food will not ensure human and planetary wellbeing. Social-, economic- and environmental aspects of food systems are equally important for a healthier planet. For that we have to convert the existing food system where we will need more and more innovative and capable young people to boost the transformation process." - said Ms Paula Schindeler, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, in her opening speech.
After the opening remarks, Mr John Taylor, Chief Technical Adviser of Dhaka Food System project said, "with growth and expansion around the city, and rising land prices, it becomes difficult for farmers in the periphery to maintain their farms, this leads to food having to come from further and further away. This can lead to higher costs for our food." while talking about food system and its challenges.
FAO invited six young entrepreneurs and professionals, who have contributed to different areas of the food system in Bangladesh, to share their experiences with the participants. The speakers for this event were Mr Fahad Ifaz, CEO, iFarmer; Mr Shamim Murad, General Manager - Digital Services, ACI Agribusiness; Ms Sharmeen Islam Eva, Student, Bangladesh Agricultural University; Mr Mukul Islam, Successful Entrepreneur (SaFaL project); Mr Sudip Debnath, Assistant Professor, Khulna University; and Ms Jannati Akhter Shumi, Community Nutrition Volunteer (SaFaL project).
The FAO Representative in Bangladesh, Mr Robert Simpson, talked about the achievements of youth in agri-food system of the country while delivering the closing remarks at this event. He said, "Despite many challenges, the young people of Bangladesh are coming up with innovative game-changing solutions that can leverage transformation in agriculture and food sector. Private sector partners are promoting small-scale farming and agri-businesses to maximize their profit through access to finance, agricultural inputs, advisory services, insurance, and markets; and creating applications as a one-stop virtual sales solution." Mr Simpson also talked about the important roles of academia, private sector actors, NGOs, development partners, and the government, in nurturing the youth.
How to engage young people in transforming food systems?
The term 'food system' refers to activities involved in producing, processing, transporting and consuming food. Food systems touch every aspect of human existence. When they function well, food systems have the power to bring us together as families, communities and nations. But too many of the world's food systems are fragile, unexamined and vulnerable to collapse, as millions of people around the globe have experienced first-hand during the COVID-19 crisis. When our food systems fail, the resulting disorder threatens our education, environment, health, and economy, as well as human rights, peace and security. As in so many cases, those who are already poor or marginalized are the most vulnerable. Inclusive support mechanisms are needed that ensure youth continue to amplify their collective and individual efforts to restore the planet and protect life, while also integrating biodiversity in the transformation of our food systems. With the world's population expected to increase by two billion people in the next 30 years, numerous stakeholders recognized that simply producing a larger volume of healthier food more sustainably will not ensure human and planetary wellbeing. Youth engagement is crucial for transforming the food systems. Young people should be considered fundamental contributors and partners towards identifying new ideas and innovative solutions to build strong, sustainable and resilient food systems.