12kg LPG price up Tk48
The price hike comes amid the soaring prices of essentials due to global oil and grain supply shortage stemming from Russian invasion of Ukraine
- Per kg LPG price increased by Tk4.1
- 12kg will cost Tk1,439 in April
- Per kg reticulate LPG hiked to Tk116.70
- Per litre auto gas price Tk67.02
- Government-owned LPG price remains unchanged
The price of a 12kg liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder has shot up by Tk48 as the regulatory body has increased the per kg LPG price by Tk4.
As per the new tariff order announced by the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) on Sunday, the price of a 12 kg LPG cylinder provided by private operators has increased to Tk1,439 from last month's Tk1,391.
The new per kg rate will be reflected across other cylinder sizes, BERC Chairman Md Abdul Jalil said in a virtual press briefing.
The new tariff will be effective from 6pm, 3 April, he said.
The price hike comes amid skyrocketing prices of daily essentials due to global oil and grain supply shortages stemming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Asked if there is any plan to subsidise LPG cylinders for consumers, the BERC Chairman said that since the product is supplied by private operators, the government currently has no plans to provide subsidies.
Meanwhile, the price of Auto gas or LPG used for motor vehicles has increased from Tk64.78 per litre to Tk67.02 per litre.
The price of centrally controlled reticulated LPG for large apartment residences has increased from Tk112.65 to Tk116.70 per kg.
Abdul Jalil said the price of LPG has been increased based on the Saudi Contract Price of Propane and Butane, the raw material for LPG.
In March, the price of a ton of propane was $895 and Butane was $920 a ton, but in April prices reached $940 and $960 per ton, respectively.
However, BERC announced its tariff setting the per ton average price at $953, said Md Abdul Jalil.
However, the government-owned 12.5 kg LPG cylinders remain unchanged in price at Tk591, due to no change in the price of its raw materials.
Bangladesh's private LPG operators buy bulk LPG based on the Saudi contract price, he told reporters at the briefing.
BERC set the retail LPG price for the first time on 12 April 2021 after holding a public hearing to comply with a High Court order. Since then, they have been updating the price every month.