Parts of Chandpur town protective embankment collapse
Five houses near the area were devoured by the river.
A 300-meter stretch of the town’s protective embankment and five houses were washed away by the Meghna River on Saturday night, triggering fears of erosion among the locals.
Parts of the embankment gave in to strong current and rising water around 8:45 pm at Puranbazar Harishabha. Five houses near the area were also devoured by the river.
Cracks have appeared in areas near the riverbank while many panicked locals moved away from their houses fearing fresh river erosion.
The area was last hit by erosion nearly two years ago. The Water Development Board has been using concrete cement blocks to protect the town.
Locals have requested the government to take swift, effective and permanent protective measures.
WDB’s Assistant Engineer Ashraf Uddin told UNB that the latest erosion was due to strong current. “We’ll use sandbags at the site,” he said. “We have them ready.”