US Embassy publishes 2 reports to guide American companies investing in Bangladesh
The US Embassy in Bangladesh published two reports this week.
The 2022 Investment Climate Statement, prepared by the US Department of State, is created to help US companies make informed decisions about doing business in Bangladesh or 160 other countries and economies around the world.
The reports not only cover market conditions, but also how governments uphold international labor standards, enable responsible business conduct, combat corruption, and implement policies to mitigate and adapt to the effects of the climate crisis.
The Economic team at the US Embassy in Dhaka spearheaded preparation of both reports, combining information from Bangladeshi and international sources.
The 2022 Investment Climate Statement was released at 10pm Thursday on the website -
The Bangladesh Country Commercial Guide, published by the International Trade Association under the US Department of Commerce, goes into detail about challenges a company may encounter when doing business in Bangladesh, as well as describing the substantial opportunities in nine sectors of frequent interest to US firms.
The Bangladesh Country Commercial Guide for 2022 and guides for other countries around the world are available at