Coca-Cola Bangladesh to help over 20 lakh people
As efforts accelerate nationwide to provide relief from the devastation of the second wave of the coronavirus, Coca-Cola in Bangladesh has announced to contribute Tk5 crore to augment the nation's effort in combating the crisis and containing the spread of the pandemic.
The Coca-Cola system in Bangladesh will facilitate Covid vaccination, provide safety kits, create awareness and distribute beverages to the front liners, to positively impact over 20 lakh people, read a press release.
In addition to its direct response, Coca-Cola Bangladesh's bottling partners have arranged supporting community hospitals by providing 1 million bottles of Kinley (500ml) water and creating awareness by distributing COVID safety Kits across the country.
Last year, when the havoc of Corona virus distressed the country, the beverage company committed Tk 11.5 crore to support the government's ongoing efforts against Covid-19.
The commitment provisioned a month's food ration to over 50,000 people from disadvantaged communities and provided supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for above 1000 health care professionals.
The company also helped the healthcare system and communities through food package and distribution of beverages, to contain the spread of the pandemic. The relief programs aimed at positively impacting over 50 lakh lives across the country.
To stand in support of the Covid-19 pandemic, The Coca-Cola Company has created a special "Stop the Spread" fund worldwide.
This fund will be channelized towards facilitating vaccine distribution, Covid safety kits (PPE - masks, gloves, sanitizer) andcreating awareness around vaccination and sanitary practices to contain the spread of pandemic.