Emirates Flight Catering announces major investment in solar energy
The first products are expected to be delivered to Emirates Flight Catering’s customers in 2020
Emirates Flight Catering, one of the world's largest catering operations, has successfully commissioned a state-of-the-art solar power system across its premises, which is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3 million kg annually.
The company's solar rooftop power plant comprises 8,112 individual solar panels. It is expected to generate 4,195 megawatt-hours of electricity annually, allowing the company to reduce traditional energy consumption by 15 percent across its laundry, food manufacturing and staff accommodation facilities.
As part of its eco-friendly initiative, Emirates Flight Catering will shortly start constructing the world's largest vertical farming facility to produce 2,700 kilograms of high quality, herbicide- and pesticide-free leafy greens daily, using 99 percent less water than outdoor fields.
The first products are expected to be delivered to Emirates Flight Catering's customers in 2020.
Every month, Emirates Flight Catering recycle 130,000 kilograms of cardboard, 4,000 kilograms of paper, 14,000 kilograms of aluminium cans and foil, 120,000 kilograms of glass bottles, and 10,000 kilograms of plastic bottles.
Each day, the catering operation prepares an average of 225,000 meals and handle 210 tonnes of laundry.