Honda announces winners of Y-E-S award program
Honda Foundation recently announced its awardees of Honda Young Engineer and Scientists' (Y-E-S) award program.
The award program was initiated in August 2019 through Bangladesh Honda Private Ltd (BHL) and Japan International Cooperation Centre (JICE), said a press release.
The objective of this award is to encourage future leaders of science and technology fields to expedite the growth of Asian countries, added the statement.
Honda started Y-E-S award program with the four public universities, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) and Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET).
The winners of the Y-E-S award are Tonushree Dutta and Satyaki Bainik, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tahsina Alam, Civil Engineering, and Shashata Sawmya, Computer Science and Engineering from BUET.
The winners will be awarded US $3,000 and a motorcycle from Honda.
The award giving ceremony has been scheduled on January 28, 2020.