EU to offer 334 million euro to Bangladesh as Covid-19 aid
Off the aid, some 103 million or one/third to be channeled through the Economic Relations Division of the Ministry of Finance
The European Union (EU) will offer 334 million euro as Covid-19 aid to Bangladesh in the coming days.
This was disclosed yesterday at a meeting through video conferencing between Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen with ambassadors of Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the European Union Delegation in Dhaka.
Some 103 million or one-third of the aid will be channeled through the Economic Relations Division of the Ministry of Finance, says a press release.
Regarding the issue of Covid-19 being spread in the Rohingya camps in Cox's Bazar, the minister assured the ambassadors that the government has taken all necessary steps to contain the pandemic, and there is minimal spread of the virus in the camps.
Momen called upon the ambassadors to share the burden of providing better life and living for persecuted Rohingyas in their own countries or relocate and settle them in third countries.
"Almost 3 years have passed and although Myanmar agreed to take them back, not a single Rohingya went back home yet," the minister said.
He appealed to exert more pressure for their safe repatriation to Myanmar. The EU ambassadors reiterated their appreciation for the humanitarian gesture by Bangladesh for the cause of the Rohingyas.