Wuhan has recovered and so can the rest of the world
The people of Wuhan abide this as a civic duty for greater public health
"Desperate time calls for desperate measure" - that was the prime motto of Wuhan to fight against the pandemic of Covid-19.
Now that China has finally started to heal, there is a lot more to learn as the rest of the world is still struggling, reports CGTN.
A person tested positive for Covid-19 can infect on average 3500 people within just 5-6 days after multiple transmission. That's how exponential the chain of the virus is. But China broke the cycle with "lockdown".
It was the largest and longest quarantine on China's history but they took this draconian measure to achieve something extraordinary. Besides that, they re-staffed their health workers and supplied adequate equipment to fight the pandemic. The people of Wuhan abide this as a civic duty for greater public health.
That is exactly what the rest of the world should know, the epidemiology of humans is same, the spread of coronavirus applies to every nation in this exact same way. Nothing can save the people if they are themselves not willing to sacrifice their comfort and fight together. Only social distancing can break the chain of coronavirus otherwise the world will suffer a lot more than it is prepared to handle.