Bangladesh Agricultural Investment Forum kicks off to boost agrifood transformation
Bangladesh Agricultural Investment Forum, initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, commenced its journey on Sunday (27 August) to accelerate agricultural development in the country.
The initiative aims to catalyze agricultural transformation by fostering increased targeted investment and improved access to finance for food producers, investors, policymakers and agri-processing enterprises, according to a press release issued by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Under the chairmanship of Wahida Akter, secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, the forum's opening session was graced by the presence of Agriculture. Minister Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, MP, as chief guest.
The two-day forum, which is being held at the InterContinental Hotel in Dhaka, will highlight strategic investment opportunities in select agricultural sectors, explore various innovative financial instruments, and facilitate matchmaking with private investors, domestic banks, and international financial institutions.
It will open doors to rewarding investment opportunities by fostering knowledge-sharing and networking.
Major development partners supporting the initiative include CGIAR, Embassy of Denmark, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Bank Group, and World Food Programme.
Having achieved many impressive agricultural milestones, Bangladesh is shifting from a focus on food security towards nutrition security, plus food quality, processing, and exports. At the same time, overall demand for food in Bangladesh is rising and people's food choices are changing. With a sizeable and growing middle-income class there will be a move away from rice to more expensive foods such as meat and fish, dairy products, and fruit and vegetables.
Continued rapid urbanisation will result in increased demand for processed and convenience food. Consumers will be looking for more choice, better nutrition, and higher levels of food safety. All of this creates opportunities for Bangladeshi food producers and food-related businesses.
Innovative finance solutions are needed to address the challenges faced by farmers as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. The Bangladesh Agricultural Investment Forum 2023 will provide this, helping to remove a key barrier to growth.
The forum, which could become an annual event, is the result of last year's FAO Investment Forum in Rome, Italy. Both forums are part of FAO's Hand-in-Hand Initiative which supports the implementation of nationally-led programmes that accelerate agrifood systems transformation.
Bangladesh will be one of about 10 countries returning for this year's FAO Investment Forum which will be held in October.
There will be an in-depth discussion on strengthening Bangladesh's agricultural competitiveness and another on financing for agrifood systems transformation. Other topics for discussion include crop production and farming systems, livestock and fisheries, as well as overall government policy.
Speaking on behalf of all the development partners, Robert D Simpson, FAO representative in Bangladesh, said, "The country's agrifood businesses need significant investment to meet increased demand in Bangladesh but also to capitalize on export opportunities. As the country continues to develop and its economy grows, the country will become more attractive to a wider range of investors.
"This investment forum, the first of its kind in Bangladesh, will help to make crucial linkages between those who want to invest and those who stand to benefit from investment."
"All of the development partners are proud to be working together to support the Ministry of Agriculture as part of a wider effort to transform the country's agricultural sector," he added.