Bangladesh Human Rights Foundation appoints Ziauddin Adil as advisor
Ziauddin Adil, consul, Bangladesh Consulate, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the chairman of Top of Mind group, have been appointed as an advisor to Bangladesh Human Rights Foundation (BHRF), one of the largest humanitarian organizations in Bangladesh.
The other members of the advisory committee of BHRF are - Sufi Mohammed Mizanur Rahman, prominent industrialist, philanthropist and chairman of PHP family; Rajeeb Samdani, prominent industrialist, former secretary general of BHRF and managing director of Golden Harvest, and Nadia Samdani, prominent female entrepreneur, and chairman of Golden Harvest, Arts Center.
The new eight-member Board of Trustees or Executive Committee of BHRF has also been announced recently.
Alena Khan and Zia Habib Ahasan has been appointed as the Chairperson and Secretary General of the new committee respectively. Other members of the committee are – prominent tax and company expert Md Omar Faruq - Director (Finance), Rotarian M Rakib Sardar - Director (organizing), prominent female entrepreneur Lioness Salma Adil - Director, former founder of Student Council Advocate Angshu Asif Pial - Director, Advocate Lion Syed Mohammad Haroon-Director, The Network for International Law Students (Bangladesh Chapter) Secretary General Fatima Zahra Ahasan Raisa - Member, among others.
While announcing the new executive council, the chairperson, directors and board members of the organization hoped that BHRF will play a key role in preventing all forms of harassment, discrimination, abuse of power and illegal activities to uphold good governance, human rights and rule of law in the country.
BHRF is a non-political and non-profit private development organization working to build a prosperous Bangladesh through the participation of people from all walks of life. The organization has four functional divisions – legal Affairs, investigation, training & documentation, and media & advocacy. Besides, the organization has its own archive cell to collect information on human rights issues and sensitive incidents.
Ziauddin Adil, BHRF's new advisor member, is a well-known figure in the corporate communications sector of the country. In recognition of his special contribution to the industry, he received the "Person of the Year" award in 2019 from the Singapore-based news agency Asia One.