Delta Brac Housing to pay 30% dividend
Its earnings per share stood at Tk5.78 in 2020
Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation, one of the leading listed non-banking financial institutions, on Monday recommended a 30% – 15% cash and 15% stock – dividend for the shareholders for 2020.
The financial institution, known as DBH, said its earnings per share (EPS) stood at Tk5.78, which is 17% lower than the previous year.
In 2019, the company, which was listed on stock exchanges in 2008, reported a net profit of Tk78.6 crore and its EPS stood at Tk6.96.
In that year, it paid a 35% dividend – 20% cash and 15% stock.
Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation, which started its operations in 1996, has registered commendable growth in creating homeownership in Dhaka and other major cities of the country.
Among all banks and financial institutions of Bangladesh, only DBH has secured the highest "AAA" credit rating for 15 consecutive years.
The level of credit rating provides an indication of the financial safety, security and strength of the institution.
The company said its annual general meeting will be held on 6 May using a digital platform and with the physical presence of shareholders.
The link of the virtual meeting and venue for the physical presence will be announced later, said the company. Its record date will be 13 April.
The DBH said the stock dividend has been recommended in view of utilising its retained amount as paid-up capital for improving capital adequacy – thereby facilitating the future business expansion of the company and its declared out of accumulated profit.