Five amazing wildlife moments
The Business Standard tried to bring out some of those remarkable moments by surfing the internet for the readers
The wildlife is surviving under extreme threat against continuous climate change and extinction in order to serve human needs. Humans often forget what's actually the life outside our habitat looks like. These wildlife moments let humans realise that the world is not only for them, it belongs to other thousands of species who have their own moments, lifestyle and stories. The Business Standard tried to bring out some of those remarkable moments by surfing the internet for the readers.
White Giraffes in Kenya
White giraffes are rarely spotted in the wild, and the conservation group said it's aware of only two previous confirmed sightings — in Kenya and Tanzania. However, reports of white giraffe sightings go back as far as 1938, wildlife biologist Zoe Muller wrote in the African Journal of Ecology in 2016.
In recent history, a pair of mother-baby white giraffes was suddenly showed pacing around in a remote conservatory area at Kenya.
According to the Hirola Conservation Program of Kenya, "The mother kept pacing back and forth a few yards in front of us while signaling the baby Giraffe to hide behind the bushes — a characteristic of most wildlife mothers in the wild to prevent the predation of their young," they wrote in a blog post which included video from the May 31, 2017 encounter.
"These rare white giraffes shocked many locals, including myself, but they also gave us renewed energy to protect and save our unique wildlife," Abdullahi Ali, founder of the Hirola Conservation Program, told Caters News Agency.
A photo that breaks heart
The winning image from the 2017 Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards is one that forces humans to think. Captured by American photographer, Justin Hofman, the image was taken in Indonesia. Justin recounted that this image is a photo that he wished didn't exist, but now that it does, he wants everyone to see it. What started as an opportunity to photograph a cute little sea horse turned into one of frustration and sadness as the incoming tide brought with it countless pieces of trash and sewage. This sea horse drifts long with the trash day in and day out as it rides the currents that flow along the Indonesian archipelago. This photo serves as an allegory for the current and future state of our oceans.
Incredible capture of a monkey being born
Photographer Jeff Kerby found himself with an unbelievable frame while on assignment for National Geographic in Ethiopia photographing gelada monkeys.
While Kerby and a team of researchers were standing near a group of female geladas, one of them—visibly pregnant—started to go into labor. Kerby captured frame-by-frame as the infant emerged, two stunned faces attached to the same body.
According to National Geographic, it was an incident of 20 agonising minutes of contractions, muscle spasms, and rapid changes in position. Kerby, staying still, watched from 15 feet away, having chosen his position deliberately to watch unobtrusively but in full-color clarity. The combination of the infant's slow arrival and Kerby's strategic vantage point yielded an image worth a double take.
The Old Testament
Acclaimed wildlife photographer David Yarrow used the new Nikon D-850 captured this image of a majestic lion, just as the sun was setting. The image is timeless and the backlit dust adds to its elemental and rather biblical mood — hence the reason the image was called 'The Old Testament'. This image helps raise awareness to the plight of the lion and the work being done to enjoy protect this species for future generations.When a rhino needed a scratch
Filmmaker Gareth De Bruno Austin was shooting a documentary on rhino poaching for a few years while he built up a level of trust with a specific rhino. One day, she approached him, it was very apparent that she needed just an itch scratched. Once she had had enough, she just simply walked away and continued grazing. This is definitely not something to be encouraged in the wild, but quite a unique moment for Gareth.
When a rhino needed a scratch
Filmmaker Gareth De Bruno Austin was shooting a documentary on rhino poaching for a few years while he built up a level of trust with a specific rhino. One day, she approached him, it was very apparent that she needed just an itch scratched. Once she had had enough, she just simply walked away and continued grazing. This is definitely not something to be encouraged in the wild, but quite a unique moment for Gareth.