Happy Father's Day 2022: 5 tips to show gratitude and love to your dad
No matter how old/young your father is, he will always feel responsible for shouldering your world but it needs to be conveyed that he has done his job well. This Father's Day, here are 5 tips that will enable every son and daughter to show gratitude and love to their father
Watching our back when we first learned to ride a bicycle, playing sports in the ground, giving us good education, buying things we wanted and even telling us stories – fathers do it all hence, irrespective of how much we grow up, fathers remain special for us and there is no better time to tell them this than Father's Day.
They are our idols and inspiration and it is important for us to ensure that they take care of their health but having our own personal and professional schedules to take care of alongside responsibilities towards our partners, children and other family members can sometimes compel us to not devote adequate time to our fathers.
However, by encouraging them to look after themselves, we can ensure that they remain physically and mentally healthy. The thing with most fathers is that they won't be expressive, they would not tell you that they are not feeling well or that they need something but not expressing the needs doesn't mean they don't have any or won't desire care and attention hence, by assessing their needs and proactively giving them the support as well as encouragement, we can ensure that our they live longer, happier, and healthier.
Here are some tips that will enable every son and daughter to show gratitude and love to their father and make them feel better -
1. Make your father follow health screenings schedule: Left to their own, parents would never really follow their regular health exams, diagnostic tests and screening schedules. The typical response of "I am perfectly fin" would be given, trivialising the need for check-ups. However, as children, it is our responsibility to monitor their schedules and even if we personally don't take them for check-ups, we can nowadays get home screenings scheduled for them. Parents, especially those over 60-65 years of age need to be constantly reminded of how they can make us happier and worry free by sticking to their screenings schedule.
2. Emphasize on diet and exercise: Balanced diet can do wonders for our wellness. Similarly, regular exercise is key to mobility and quality of life for the elderly. When our parents exercise, keep their mind and physical body active as well as well nourished through consumption of healthy diet, they remain protected from disease-causing deficiencies and enjoy better health. At times, they might complain about not feeling like eating meals or challenges of cooking elaborate things. In such a scenario, you can recommend healthy, plant-based nutrition products and supplements that ensure daily intake of essential nutrients in a quick, and on-the-go manner through soluble effervescent tablets etc.
3. Awareness of the body's messages: No matter who we talk about, every person gets signals from the body about an existing or an impending illness. By timely paying attention to these signs, one can avoid serious complications and also prevent diseases before they set in. Make your father understand that ignoring the body's signs is not heroic. If something doesn't feel right, then a doctor should be consulted immediately and corrective steps taken instead of waiting for a debilitating or life-threatening emergency to occur.
4. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol: There is no denying the long-term ill effects of smoking and drinking. While tobacco is never good in any quantity, moderate and selective consumption of alcohol may have some benefits. There is a need to adopt a balanced approach such as taking an occasional drink but no binging.
5. Sleep and hydration: During youth, we all are guilty of sacrificing sleep for results and achieving more productivity out of each day. However, even the best candles burn out faster when lit from both ends. In fact, people who get adequate sleep and keep themselves well-hydrated are found to be more active, efficient, energetic and productive than those who keep toiling long hours. Make sure your father gets the much-needed 8 hours of sleep daily. Even if that looks like slowing down to him, that's perfectly fine.
Modern lifestyle is challenging and no matter how old/young your father is, he will always feel responsible for shouldering your world. However, it needs to be conveyed that he has done his job well, and it is time for him to love and care for himself. Living stress-free, eating well, taking adequate rest, and exercising are things that will only ensure that he stays around healthier and longer. There is no better time than Father's Day to take the first step!