GoZayaan aims to make travel safer
The new year started with countless festivities and celebrations. Even though November through December are the best time of the year to travel, a lot of people still haven't gotten the chance to properly quench their wanderlust.
With government restrictions in place for all activities, responsibility must be practiced in all aspects of life, including travel. A company digitizing travel safety for the smart travelers of today is GoZayaan. They have taken up multiple initiatives to ensure an end-to-end travel safety solution for consumers.
Convenience and flexibility have been the core concerns of GoZayaan since the beginning of their journey. During the pandemic, a new word has been added to this mantra- Safety. Safety is often overlooked while traveling in Bangladesh due to lack of awareness at root levels of tourism. Bus being the most popular form of transport, is often also the most unhygienic. From booking the bus ticket at a counter to making the journey, there are multiple health hazards one might face. Visiting a ticket counter is no longer a safe option in the present climate. GoZayaan is striving to solve this problem by bringing the entirety of the ticket booking experience to a digital space. From browsing to comparing prices, booking to payment, everything can be done online on the website. Considering the steep rise of internet penetration and increasing need for health safety, an end-to-end holistic automated travel booking system was long overdue in Bangladesh's tourism scene. Eliminating the need to physically be present at a location to book a ticket greatly enhances the travelers comfort and protection.
Given the current situation, everyone is trying their best to ensure safety. As a result, many prefer flights over buses nowadays. But the process of booking plane tickets is quite different from that of buses. The price differences between various airlines are quite volatile. One needs the opportunity to browse and compare ticket prices to ensure the best deals for himself. GoZayaan helps by providing the traveler with the transparency to compare and choose his own flights. It also locks the price for the traveler for 30 minutes so the price does not increase while browsing. To ensure the safety of their customers, GoZayaan launched its "Travel Insurance" program. With an additional fee of only BDT 10, the traveler is allowed up to BDT 1 lac payment in case of injuries or illnesses sustained during their tour. This way, travelers can avail proper medical attention even if they don't have health insurance at their holiday destinations.
While domestic travel has been in focus for the past year, international travel has also been essential for many. With travel restrictions varying across every border, going abroad is now more complicated than ever. Visiting abroad also requires mandatory RT-PCR tests prior to a flight. However, this process becomes increasingly confusing as different countries maintain different timelines for these tests. The GoSafe program was launched with a view to solving this issue. This program allows travelers to check up-to-date travel guidelines of different countries with just one click. Different government approved labs were also onboarded to integrate booking of these tests into the ticket booking experience, eliminating the need to manually schedule a test at the appropriate time. For ensuring convenience, online booking of additional flight ancillary services is now also available on the website for the first time in Bangladesh. Extra services such as additional baggage price range, choice of seats etc can be availed before the traveler even reaches the airport.
Although the festivities of December are behind us, many are still in the mood to travel. A safe option is to plan private getaways at nearby resorts. Though this eliminates the risk of long routes, hotel safety is still an important concern. Moreover, traveling to farther destinations for work or family related purposes is also a necessity at times. Being conscious, responsible citizens in this climate means being vigilant about safety at all times. Simply carrying around a mask and hand sanitizer is no longer enough. Therefore, not only transport, but accommodation must also be thoroughly vetted before going on a tour. With this in mind, GoZayaan ensures that government regulated safety measures are being maintained at all its enlisted hotels. Keeping the recent government restrictions in mind, the website shows the latest information about document requirements (such as- vaccine card, vaccination certificates etc.) while visiting that specific hotel under its "hotel policy" section. Booking with GoZayaan will also give people the comfort of instantly availing their hotel rooms without the need for a tedious waiting and registration period.
The last few years have taught us how to constantly adapt to new and challenging environments. With every other aspect of regular life changing in accordance with the new normal, travel practices should not remain stagnant. Going flexible and safe with GoZayaan is an appropriate solution to today's travel problems.
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