Incorporating spirituality in your home interior
Classical schools of architectural theory like Feng Shui, Kanso, and Vastu Shastra concentrate on restoring a balance between individuals and the homes they live in
During a visit to a friend's bungalow in Khulna, I was given a very unique house tour. The gate I had entered from wasn't the main entrance. The main entrance was put in the north side of the building to negate the ill spiritual effects, a practice of Vastu Shastra.
This experience led me to explore the classical schools of architectural theory like Feng Shui and Kanso, and Vastu Shastra. All these ancient bodies of knowledge concentrate on restoring a balance between individuals and the homes they live in.
Feng Shui, Vastu Shastra and Kanso philosophy
Ancient Chinese tradition Feng Shui asserts that it can create harmony between people and their surroundings by using spiritual energies. 'Feng Shui' roughly translates to 'wind-water'. It evaluates the natural surroundings as well as Chinese cosmology. The system correlates your birth date and time with the motion of celestial objects.
Vastu Shastra (dwell science), an Indian traditional architectural system, on the other hand, emphasises the craft of arrangement. It updates the homes' spatial positions and the materials within them in accordance with the four directions - east, west, north, and south and the five fundamental forces of air, water, fire, earth, and space.
However, Zen (which means meditation in Japanese), in the context of interior design, represents balance, harmony, and relaxation. It places a strong emphasis on Kanso (simplicity), which is one of the seven pillars of Wabi-sabi (Japanese aesthetic concept).
According to the Kanso philosophy, elimination and excision of jumbles from space is the key to achieving aesthetic and spatial refinement.
Living room
If you are going to incorporate Feng Shui within a compact living room design or a large space, follow the Commanding Position concept when placing objects. Ideally, the couch should face towards the living room door.
If that is not doable, install a wide glass window where you can view the image of the entranceway while seated on the couch. Light-coloured parquet or marble floors, as well as white or light-coloured panels, can help a living room feel airy.
Similarly, Vastu Shastra suggests going for lighter wall colours and decorating the space with pictures of smiling people, gorgeous scenery, and other upbeat subjects that contribute to the pleasant vibe of a space. Furthermore, it is important to maintain the décor in the southern and western corners and the windows facing north or northeast, to create a calm and friendly atmosphere.
On the other hand, instead of putting emphasis on positions and direction, Kanso focuses on the inherent appeal of objects. It suggests using simple and light decor. As long as they adhere to the basic concept, you are free to hang the artworks and pictures whichever way you like.
Feng Shui says that your bed's head should be directed towards the East. It symbolises innovation and a fresh start of everything that is good. You should also choose undertones or subdued hues found in nature, such as off-white, cream, chocolate, brown, or peach tones, to create a relaxed atmosphere and positive energy in your bedroom.
Conversely, according to Vastu Shastra, a bed facing the north will help you save money, assets, and essential materials. The southwest corner of the room is the ideal location for cabinets and storing collections, but the mattress should never be put in the middle. Moreover, white is the perfect colour for a bedroom, according to Vastu, as it denotes minimum hostility.
On the other hand, Kanso demands that anything that is not necessary be removed. Only include a bed, a table, and a chair in your bedroom if you need it. If you are truly committed to implementing the Kanso philosophy, you might even think about eliminating everything from your walls. You will feel better and relaxed once you clear out the superfluous mess.
The element metal, according to Feng Shui philosophy, encourages serenity, clarity of thought, and creativity. While preparing food on your stove, you should be able to view the door without being directly in front of it. This will give you the power to control your own professional career and to perceive any possibilities or energies that might be headed your way.
According to Vastu, during cooking, the person should be facing east. The stove or burner should be placed far from the basin, toward the southeast. In a perfect setting, the kitchen door should never face the bathroom door. The sink should be positioned in the northeast.
However, Kanso recommends keeping less clutter in the kitchen and more room for useful cabinets and equipment. It can also entail designing an adjustable rooflight to let in sunlight and airflow.
If you want Feng Shui in your bathroom, you must always keep the bathroom doors locked, and it should not be directly in front of the entrance gate or kitchen door. Flushing is involved when using the restroom, and water is associated with wealth in Feng Shui; therefore, it is thought that putting the toilet seat down and the door locked will protect your money from draining away.
Vastu Shastra has some unique principles; firstly, the bathroom door should be made of high-quality wood. A metal door can be harmful to your well-being. A bathroom should be located in the eastern part of the home. The eastern wall is a suitable location for the mirror. East or north can include windows or ventilation.
A great spot to introduce the simplicity of Kanso is your bathroom. It is easy for your bathroom to become cluttered with extra towels, toiletries, etc. By limiting your belongings to only what is absolutely necessary, you can make the most of your space. Make sure to incorporate enough storage when planning your bathroom so you can keep the vanity, tub, and other surfaces clear of clutter.
"As architects, we tend to design any space respecting the surroundings and geographic condition of the land. Every space is planned and designed to make best use of the facilities that come naturally with that particular setting. This is known as contextual design," said architect Saima Sonali.
"In architecture, we follow scientific solutions and present them in artistic ways to create a comfortable habitat. Traditional philosophies for space arrangement like Chinese Feng Shui, Indian Vastu Shastra or Japanese Wabi-sabi have a lot of similarities to modern architectural practices, with many scientific explanations," she added.