Apex Legends' trailer reveals Bangalore's past
Apex Legends debuted in 2019. It is a part of the equally popular Titanfall video game series
Respawn Entertainment has released a cinematic trailer for Apex Legends' 'Stories from the Outlands: Gridiron.'
The storytelling in this 8-minute trailer is masterfully handled in such a small amount of time.
The trailer tells the story of Bangalore and her brother, Jackson, who are soldiers fighting for the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC). The story is presented to viewers mostly from Bangalore's viewpoint.
There have been a number of cinematics released for the highly popular free-to-play battle royale title, each containing their own secrets about what to expect in future seasons of the game.
Apex Legends debuted in 2019. It is a part of the equally popular Titanfall video game series.