'Bon Jovi' keyboardist David Bryan tested positive for coronavirus
Meanwhile, Bon Jovi frontman Jon Bon Jovi has been helping feed those in need.
Bon Jovi keyboardist and founding member David Bryan revealed on March 21st that he tested positive for coronavirus.
David started to feel sick when he was home in New Jersey on March 15th. "The first symptoms were flu-like, with a low level fever around 100 with body aches and headaches, and soon after, the body aches made it difficult to get out of bed," Bryan told to Variety.
On March 18th the Tony Award-winning musician realized that the pain has moved onto his lungs and that he needed to seek medical help.
Two days later, Bryan was informed that he tested positive and was immediately prescribed antibiotics.
Currently Bryan is recovering well and is in self-isolation with his wife, Alexis who also tested positive but did not display any of the same symptoms except for a "slight headache for a couple of days."
The musician shared his story on Instagram stating that the virus was "the flu, not the plague." He also encouraged everyone to practice social distancing to avoid spreading it to others.
Meanwhile, Bon Jovi frontman Jon Bon Jovi has been helping feed those in need via his JBJ Soul Kitchen Community Restaurant in Red Bank, NJ, and engaging his own creative juices with a shared experience under the banner "If You Can't Do What You Do… Do What You Can" inviting fans to help him write a song reflective of this moment in time.