Sophie Turner to voice Princess Charlotte in animated series ‘The Prince’
Garey Janetti announced the news of Turner’s joining the cast through an Instagram post.
'Game of Thrones' actor Sophie Turner will give voice to Princess Charlotte in HBO Max's forthcoming animated series, 'The Prince.'
Created by 'Family Guy' producer Gary Janetti, the satire will focus on seven-year-old Prince George and his antics as the first-born child of Prince William and Kate Middleton, reported by Variety.
Garey Janetti announced the news of Turner's joining the cast through an Instagram post.
Turner also celebrated the news and wrote on her Instagram Stories, "Charlotte is coming! And I couldn't be more honored to join this cast and go on this fun/filled adventure with @garyjanetti."
The star-studded cast also includes the show's creator, Janetti, as Prince George, Alan Cumming as George's butler, Orlando Bloom as Prince Harry, and Condola Rashad (Billions) as Meghan Markle.