The Car Bible: Three must-have accessories for your car
A jump starter usually comes in the size of a power bank and can generate a huge amount of power within a short period of time
A car is like a package of motor, alloy, functions, and features that delivers reliable performance while ensuring your comfort and infotainment needs. Your car might be fulfilling your needs as it is now but there are some accessories which can further enhance your usage experience and also turn out to be the lifesaver at dire times.
Jump starter
First, let us clear out a very common misunderstanding. The term "jump starter" is often used to refer to the cables used for connecting one battery to another, these cables are called "jumper cables" and the device being used to give power to a dead battery is called the jump starter.
A jump starter usually comes in the size of a power bank and can generate a huge amount of power within a short period of time. That power can give life to your car's battery if it runs out of juice on your way to home from work.
An alternative to the jump starter would be connecting your car's dead battery to a running car's battery but most drivers tend to stray away from this method as doing so effects the life span of a running battery. Having said that, the jump starter is as important for your car as a spare tyre and you should consider keeping it your car at all times.
Tyre pressure gauge
Investing in such a tool might seem pointless since there are tyre shops on roads spread throughout the city but none of the tyre shops can provide accurate air pressure reading.
In order to get accurate reading, the tyres have to be at a normal temperature and driving to a tyre shop can easily heat up a vehicle's tyres. You would have to wait for around 10-15 minutes for just the wheels to cool off and then measure the air pressure.
Unless you want to spend 10-15 minutes on the road to get your car's tyres checked on a regular basis, you can purchase a tyre pressure gauge and check the air pressure once every week or whenever its seem fit.
The accurate air pressure of a car's tyres ensures equal distribution of weight on all axles and I would recommend keeping a check on it to ensure stable performance.
GPS tracker
If you have a chauffeur who wanders off with the car at times, a GPS tracker would be the best way to keep track of your car's whereabouts. It could help you figure out whether your car keeps burning "extra" fuel - as per your driver's indication or you have also become a victim of the parlour tricks that some chauffeurs apply on their bosses.
If you do not have a chauffeur, a GPS tracker can ensure you of the whereabouts of your car even if it gets stolen. If such an incident does occur, you can just inform the police and they can retrieve your car from convicts.
Do keep it in mind that the GPS tracker has to be placed in such a location that would make it impossible for anyone to figure out. Also, do not get it installed from any known shop, you never know what motives people carry. I would suggest getting it installed from a particular area that you have hardly been to, probably from the other end of the city.