LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, not a dating site
Since the website allows users to share personal details and photos, it was only a matter of time before someone got connected to the platform in the hope of searching for love
LinkedIn is the world's largest online site for professional, social, and career networking. It works as an online directory of professionals and organizations. You can use it to find your preferred jobs and internships, build up your professional ties, and learn the skills that are needed for your career success.
A well-organized LinkedIn profile provides you with a great opportunity to showcase your point of difference (POD) professionally through skills, experience, and education.
This year, LinkedIn had more than 660 million members in more than 200 countries, including executives from all of the Fortune 500 companies. At present, it has also become one of the most popular networking sites in Bangladesh.
There were 3764000 Linkedin users from Bangladesh in September 2020, which accounted for 2.2% of its entire population. People between the age of 25 and 34 are the largest user group (2100000).
However, it is a matter of regret that every day our news feeds in social media are being flooded with the news of the wrong usage of LinkedIn. Many people in our country try to use LinkedIn as a dating site.
Since the website allows users to share personal details and photos, it was only a matter of time before someone got connected to the platform in the hope of searching for love.
A few days ago, I saw one of my Facebook friends share her bad experience on LinkedIn where someone had proposed to her to have a relationship. These sorts of situations are not just limited to our country, as globally women are harassed on this platform in different ways.
At first glance, LinkedIn may seem not too useful for women but the reality is quite different. Through proper usage and the employment of certain countermeasures, we can overcome these unexpected problems and use this useful professional platform effectively.
As a responsible citizen, I feel obliged to write on how to avoid these problems and make the best use of this professional platform.
When you get an unwanted request from someone, you first need to review his or her profile. Does the person have any relation to your industry? Do you have any mutual friends? If the answer is yes, you can consider adding him or her to your network. LinkedIn always recommends not adding strangers to your LinkedIn network.
If you work in a field like PR or journalism, then every connection could be an idea, a source, or a client. Before the discussion, you should ask them why they wanted to connect. In most cases, the act of asking is enough to shut down the person's romantic intentions. Finally, if something doesn't feel right about the person to you, don't add him/her.
Since most professionals at all levels use it for networking, you should take this opportunity to build your valuable network with the help of a stellar profile on LinkedIn.
Firstly, you should make a visually appealing profile. It is a universal truth that "The first impression is the last impression". A professional headline with your picture and name will leverage your chances to reach the right employers and get a good job.
So, upload a headshot as professional-looking as possible and write a concise and enthralling headline, which goes right under your name.
Secondly, you should strategically leverage your connection with others like friends, classmates, former co-workers, current co-workers, and other people in your industry whom you know. Whenever you have a positive interaction with someone with whom you think it would be good to stay in touch, send him or her a LinkedIn request.
Finally, it's good to remain active even when you don't have any specific purpose. You should remind your target audience that you're doing your part by regularly sharing links pertinent to others in your industry. It is imperative to keep your profile updated even when you are hired for a new position or have another triumph to tout.
Md Hafez is Assistant Professor, School of Business, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Email: [email protected]