Internet usage worldwide - Important key figures
Demographics and use/ Internet usage
Number of internet users worldwide: 3.97bn
Country with biggest number of internet users: China (854m)
Region with the highest internet penetration rate: Northern Europe (96%)
Online and offline population
Global internet usage rate: 51.4%
Age group with the highest number of internet users worldwide: 25-34 years
Most common language used on the internet: English
Access and traffic
Number of fixed broadband subscriptions worldwide: 1.15bn
Fixed broadband subscription rate worldwide: 14.9 per 100 inhabitants
Mobile broadband subscription rate worldwide: 83 per 100 inhabitants
Percentage of households with internet access in the Americas: 69.8%
Online usage
Average daily time spent with the internet per capita worldwide: 170 minutes
Average daily time spent on social media worldwide: 145 minutes
Most popular social network worldwide: Facebook
Mobile internet
Share of mobile internet in total web traffic worldwide: 55.64%
Country with the highest mobile internet user penetration: United Arab Emirates
Mobile internet users as percentage of total population in the United States: 83%
Mobile share of total digital minutes in India: 93%
Number of mobile app downloads worldwide: 218bn