Finance minister places Tk 6,03,681 crore budget for FY2021-22
This is the 13th budget in a row for the Awami League government
Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal has started presenting the national budget of Tk 6,03,681 crore for the 2021-22 financial year, biggest in the country's history, aiming to strengthen the growth of the pandemic-hit economy.
He started his budget speech at the Parliament at 3pm with a theme of - 'Priority on lives and livelihoods, tomorrow's Bangladesh'.
The proposed budget is Tk 35,681 crore higher than the original budget size of the FY2020-21 fiscal year, which was Tk 5,68,000 crore.
The budget is designed with special priority to health, agriculture, social safety nets, employments, food and disaster management and food security apart from addressing the Covid-19 related issues.
The GDP size for the next fiscal has been set at Tk 34,56,040 crore.