Unit price of ICB AMCL 3rd Mutual Fund jumps 9.23%
The unit price of ICB AMCL Third NRB Mutual Fund jumped by 9.23% at the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) on Sunday (12 February).
The fund was traded at the highest limit of circuit breaker to close at Tk7.10 on the day. A total of 2.12 lakh units of the fund were traded at Tk15 lakh.
However, the unit price of the closed-end mutual fund was stuck at the floor price for six consecutive months.
Meanwhile, out of the 37 mutual funds traded on the day, 35 were stuck at the floor price. The unit price of another decreased.
Market insiders said there was no significant reason behind the sudden jump of the fund's unit price, however, other fund managers may have bought this fund at a higher price.
The fund has done well despite the ongoing slump in the stock market over the last eight months when many funds have posted losses.