19 ships of River Police working to prevent coronavirus spread in riverways
Starting from April 11, the ships have already pushed back 310 people from different river ports and ghats
River Police, a specialised unit of Bangladesh Police responsible for policing internal riverways of the country, has deployed 19 ships and 23 speedboats to control the movement of people in riverways amid the spread of novel coronavirus in the country.
The ships will also strengthen the government's ongoing drive against catching jatka (juvenile Hilsa), says a press release issued by the river police.
Starting from April 11, the ships have already pushed back 310 people from different river ports and ghats.
"After observing the current situation, we came to the conclusion that preventing the spread of coronavirus via riverways would have been easier if brick-field owners agreed to give minimum incentives to the workers," the press release reads.
Besides pushing back people, the river police have recovered 15,000 kilograms of jatka in the last 15 days, all of which have been distributed among local orphanages, gipsies (snake charmer) and poor people.