Scientists record plants 'talking' to each other for the first time
The footage recorded by Japanese scientists unveils the process by which plants receive and react to these airborne alarms
A group of Japanese scientists has achieved a remarkable breakthrough by capturing live footage of plants engaging in communication. As reported by Science Alert, plants emit a delicate mist of airborne compounds, akin to smells, which they use to convey messages to each other.
These compounds serve as a warning system, alerting plants to potential nearby dangers, reports NDTV.
The footage recorded by Japanese scientists unveils the process by which plants receive and react to these airborne alarms. This noteworthy accomplishment, spearheaded by molecular biologist Masatsugu Toyota from Saitama University, has been published in the journal Nature Communications.
Other members of the team included Yuri Aratani, a PhD student, and Takuya Uemura, a postdoctoral researcher, says NDTV.
Other members of the team included Yuri Aratani, a PhD student, and Takuya Uemura, a postdoctoral researcher.
"Plants perceive VOCs released by mechanically or herbivore-damaged neighbouring plants and induce various defence responses. Such interplant communication protects plants from environmental threats," the authors said in the study.
To capture the communication, these scientists used an air pump connected to a container of leaves and caterpillars, and another box with Arabidopsis thaliana, a common weed from the mustard family.
Science Alert said that caterpillars were allowed to feed on leaves cut from tomato plants and Arabidopsis thaliana, and the researchers captured the responses of a second, intact, insect-free Arabidopsis plant to those danger cues.
According to NDTV, the researchers had added a biosensor that glowed green and calcium ions were detected. Calcium signalling is something human cells also use to communicate.
As seen in the video, the undamaged plants received the messages of their injured neighbours, and responded with bursts of calcium signalling that rippled across their outstretched leaves.
"We have finally unveiled the intricate story of when, where, and how plants respond to airborne 'warning messages' from their threatened neighbours," Mr Toyota said.
Analysing the airborne compounds, researchers found that two compounds called Z-3-HAL and E-2-HAL induced calcium signals in Arabidopsis.
"This ethereal communication network, hidden from our view, plays a pivotal role in safeguarding neighbouring plants from imminent threats in a timely manner," the researcher added.