Strange laws around the world
Don’t cross the road in Georgia. Don’t worry! It is not applicable to a human being. It is illegal for a chicken to cross the road in the country
Every nation around the world has its own law to prevent chaos and maintain order in society. In a general sense, laws are usually welcomed by people considering their own well-being. However, some of the laws may lift your eyebrows high.
Here we are going to introduce you with some of these weird laws which might provide you fun with some cautions before you get embarrassed facing it accidentally while in aboard.
It is illegal to frown in public in Italy's Milan except for a visit to any funeral or patient in a hospital.
We all are well-known about the fact of Singapore's cleanliness. To keep the country clean, it has prohibited chewing gum. No gum is bought or sold in the country.
If you are in Switzerland, don't try to flush a toilet after 10pm in an apartment building. Is illegal there.
Don't cross the road in Georgia. Don't worry! It is not applicable to a human being. It is illegal for a chicken to cross the road in the country.
However, it is quite flexible to move in New Zealand for chickens. They can cross the road there but are prohibited to fly belonging to a man while he/she is in a hot air balloon.
Don't dream to enjoy a movie with a lion in Baltimore. It is illegal there to bring a lion to the movies.
If you are in Russia, keep your cars neat and clean otherwise it would be useless. It's illegal to drive a dirty car in Russia.
If you are living in Scotland, you are ought to allow an unknown person into your house if anyone knocks on your door and needs to use the bathroom.
It is illegal in Oshawa, Ontario to climb a tree.
It's prohibited to appear in public places wearing pink pants in Australia after 12 pm on Sundays.
If you are not a licensed electrician do not try to change a lightbulb. Otherwise, you'll be fined!
Refrain from wearing high heels while visiting any important archaeological sites in Greece. It is illegal there.
You are not permitted to die in the Houses of Parliament in England. It is illegal there.
In Canada, it is mandatory by law that thirty-five percent of the popular music played on the radio must be Canadian content.
It is a discourtesy to spit in a public place in many areas of the country. But if you are in Spain's Barcelona, you would be fined and possibly even jailed for spitting on a public street.