Power of parks: Wellbeing of city dwellers during pandemic
The pandemic has brought more visitors to every park, conservation area, and woods in the developed countries than I have ever seen
There was a time when the novel coronavirus brought the entire US to a halt, but the US has since been able to regain its footing.
Whether a pandemic defeats the US or vice versa, I have observed people strolling in the parks by taking health precautions throughout the time.
Either for taking a short walk or engaging in rigorous exercises, parks are dear to the people of all ages in the US.
It is nature that keeps them active, energetic, and happy. So why are they so fond of the parks? Let's explore.
Spending time in nature has always played a vital role in lifting up mood but it has now become more significant for coping up with the pandemic than ever before.
Thanks to the pandemic for which we have emphasised the dominant significance of greeneries and urban parks, particularly during this tough time of lockdown or shutdown, whatever you name it.
If you are upset, nervous, or disheartened, it often becomes hard to find enough motivation for stepping out of home. But it can be one of the most beneficial things you can do to treat your body and to improve your mood. Even a short stroll, an ocean view, or a riverside picnic may revitalise and rejuvenate us.
But does our own capital city have enough parks or open spaces to spend some quality time? Research and data reflects that the capital Dhaka's parks and recreational areas are currently in crisis.
Parks are the recreational ways that should be accessible to the public. But these places are gradually being seized by unscrupulous groups, with the government doing little to prevent the illegal seizing.
Furthermore, the frequent use of these open spaces for commercial purposes by both government and private agencies are significantly restricting public access to these spaces.
According to a leading newspaper in our country, more than 40% of city dwellers responded to a study by saying they have never visited any kind of park. This is not a healthy way for a city to grow.
Dhaka is gradually turning into a sick city. To escape this miserable situation and to improve the quality of life of its citizens, the objectives must be re-evaluated.
A city's quality of life has long-term economic repercussions. Foreign investors are often hesitant to invest in unlivable cities. Investors prefer choosing locations where their managers would be more satisfied.
According to a study, around 84% of individuals living in Dhaka lack access to open areas, parks, and playgrounds.
Recent research has found that exposure to nature or urban green space reduces stress, alleviates depression and anxiety symptoms, and improves cognition in children with attention impairments and adults with depression.
According to a Danish research published in 2019, children who grow up surrounded by green areas have a lower risk of developing mental illnesses as adults. Additionally, exposure to nature has been found to improve immunity.
Forest excursions have been shown to increase the activity of natural killer cells (a type of white blood cell that is critical for the body's defense system, attacking infections and tumours) and hormones associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, at least in the short term.
From a physical planning standpoint, the Detailed Area Plan (DAP, 2010) for Dhaka Metropolitan Development Planning (DMDP) area was enacted in accordance with the Town Improvement Act, 1953.
Surprisingly, the DAP makes no mention of minimum quantity or quality standards for playgrounds based on population, density, or geographic territory (blocks/wards/thanas).
Although the Real Estate Development and Management Act 2010 lists certain significant common amenities, it does not mandate high-rise buildings to have play areas. As a result, this stays optional.
But recent worldwide research indicates that, in addition to promoting physical, cognitive, social, and emotional health, play contributes to the development of resilience and social cohesion.
Thus for the long-term benefit of the kids, cities should have a sufficient number of playgrounds dispersed throughout.
The pandemic has brought more visitors to every park, conservation area, and woods in the developed countries than I have ever seen.
At this point in the pandemic, many people have been infected with covid at least once. The recovering patients are recommended to spend time inhaling fresh air.
They are also advised to visit uncrowded parks and recreation areas near their homes, as physical and cognitive rehabilitation can aid in combating the harmful effects of the novel coronavirus and its post-covid complexities.
Designing and protecting our green areas has become a matter of urgent priority. Our city is losing tree canopy, and our urban expansion is out of control.
Our parks and protected places are in dire need of development. It is also not sustainable for people to drive an hour to the nearest suburbs to meet the need of happiness therapy.
The majority of people in Dhaka and other cities lack access to green space — a few meager trees do not count. There are some open spaces which are not basically designed as parks, for example, the surrounding areas of Hatirjheel.
Because of the insufficiency of a decent place to serve the role of park, people perceive open spaces like Hatirjheel as parks. This is very detrimental for a number of reasons. Firstly, these kinds of places are not built to meet the requirements of the park. Secondly, these places do not follow any policy or guideline of crowd management and should be discouraged during the pandemic.
As individuals, we may contribute by assisting in tree planting. This is a cognitively rewarding exercise because you are helping to create our future green spaces and communities. Additionally, it is a form of physical activity that does not require you to visit a gym.
Md. Kamruzzaman is a researcher in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Science at Texas A&M University, US and an assistant professor at the University of Dhaka.
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