How to get rid of cough
Here are a few natural remedies that may help relieve a cough.
Coughs are unpleasant and constant coughing can be irritating. Here are a few natural remedies that may help relieve a cough.
1. Honey
Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with warm water or any herbal tea for curing cough. Drink the combination once or twice a day.
Please remember, do not give honey to children under one year old.
2. Ginger
Ginger can relieve dry cough or asthma, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can alleviate nausea and pain too.
Brew a calming ginger tea by adding 20–40 grams of fresh ginger slices into a cup of hot water. Steep it for a few minutes, and then drink it.
To enhance the flavour, apply honey or lemon juice to the mixture.
3. Turmeric
Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound which may have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. It may also be beneficial for several conditions, including a dry cough.
When taken with black pepper, curcumin is better ingested into the circulation of blood. You should add 1 teaspoon of turmeric and 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper to a drink such as cold orange juice. You can also make it into a warm tea.
4. Peppermint
Peppermint contains menthol, which helps relax the ends of the nerves in the throat that get irritated by cough. This will relieve discomfort and reduce the need to cough.
Try to drink peppermint tea right before bed to help alleviate night time coughs. You can also use peppermint essential oil as an aromatherapy treatment.
5. Salt-water gargle
Salt water reduces phlegm and mucus in the back of the throat which can lessen the need to cough.
In a cup of warm water, whisk half a teaspoon of salt until it dissolves. Let the solvent cool a bit before using. Let the mixture sit at the back of the throat for a few moments before spitting it out. Gargle with salt water several times each day until the cough improves.