Telcos to send SMSs in Bangla marking International Mother Language Day
The country's telecom operators will send all promotional, system-generated SMSs and notifications in Bangla from 21 February – the day when the sons of this soil sacrificed their lives for their mother tongue back in 1952.
The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) on Sunday launched the service to mark International Mother Language Day 2022.
Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Minister Mustafa Jabbar attended the inauguration program held in Dhaka as the chief guest.
According to official data, the top telcos – Grameenphone, Banglalink, Teletalk and Robi – have already converted 87% of their all text messages into Bangla.
With few exceptions, the operators have set a target of sending all their SMSs in Bangla by June, revealed BTRC Director General Brigadier General Nasim Parvez while addressing the press.
As of today (20 February), 5% of Banglalink's text messages are yet to be converted into Bangla.
Meanwhile, the figures are 10% for Grameenphone, 15% for state-owned Teletalk, and 22% for Robi.
Daily, on average, the leading mobile operators of the country send some 151.85 crore SMSs to their respective users.