Committees formed for Covid vaccine quality assurance, causality assessment
The committee formulated a pharmacovigilance protocol to ensure the safety of the use of the Covid-19 vaccine, which has been approved by the DGHS and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
The government has formed a 15-member national "vaccine quality assurance" committee to ensure the control, safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines in accordance with the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).
Besides, a 14-member Divisional AEFI (Adverse event following immunization) causality assessment committee for Covid-19 vaccine has also been formed.
The Director General of Directorate General of Health Services in Mohakhali in a DGDA notice confirmed the matter.
The committee formulated a pharmacovigilance protocol to ensure the safety of the use of the Covid-19 vaccine, which has been approved by the DGHS and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
The 14-member Divisional AEFI causality assessment committee for Covid-19 vaccine will be consisted of - Director of Govt Medical College Hospital (chairperson) at Divisional HQ, Divisional Director Health, DGHS (Co-chairperson), Respiratory disease specialist, Neurologist, Medicine Specialist , Pharmacologist, Dermatologist, Gynecologist, Nephrologist, Epidemiologist/public health specialist, Cardiologist, Endocrinologist and Civil Surgeon (Member Secretary).
The notice also said that the Divisional AEFI causality assessment committee will conduct a desk review of the AEFI case investigation reports submitted by the district/city corporation AEFI investigation committee chairperson.
They will undertake casualty assessment and classify the event as per Covid-19 pharmacovigilance Protocol.
And after the completion of the casualty assessment, reports will be scanned and sent to Pm EPI and DGDA.