Transgender actor Nusrat Mou stars in the drama ‘Delivery Man’
Earlier, Nusrat Jahan Mou starred in "Chapabaj"
Transgender actor Nusrat Jahan Mou is all set to star opposite Salman Sumon in the upcoming drama "Delivery Man".
The filming of the drama written by Borjahan Hossain has been wrapped up recently.
"We are a neglected group of the society; a victim of discrimination. A transgender woman is always stereotyped and she requires to prove her merit over and over again.," Nusrat Jahan Mou told Jagonews.
"This is the first time when I got to work at ease with equal treatment and respect", the actor added while sharing her experience.
Nusrat Mou also shared her interest to be regular in acting.
"We are talented too. We just need an opportunity to flourish."
Lately, Bangladesh has witnessed transgender women breaking the glass ceiling.
Tashnuva Anan Shishir has marked a revolutionary achievement by becoming the first transgender news presenter in the country. She debuted as news anchor of Baisakhi TV on International Women's Day.
The same private television channel has appointed Nusrat Jahan Mou in its entertainment department, who had also starred in a drama titled "Chapabaz" which aired at 9:20 pm on March 8, International Women's Day.
Another transgender actor Ho chi minh Islam, a goodwill ambassador for transgender rights at No Passport Voice and a Public Health post-graduate from BRAC James P Grant School, turned his hand to acting with Eid-ul-Azha drama "Nuruler Shesher Kobita".
Both Tasnuva and Hochemin attained scholarships to pursue Master of Public Health (MPH) in BRAC James P Grant School.