2,330 Jewellery businesses unregistered in Dhaka: BAJUS
BAJUS provided the NBR with a list of the unregistered Jewellery businesses
There are about 2,330 Jewellery businesses currently operating in the Dhaka metropolitan area without a Business Identification Number (BIN), commonly known as VAT registration, according to the Bangladesh Jewellers Association (BAJUS).
The association has urged the revenue authority to take measures to bring these unregistered businesses under registration.
"A large number of Jewellery businesses operate in the Dhaka metropolitan area without any VAT registration. We believe they disregard government rules and regulations," BAJUS said in a letter to National Board of Revenue (NBR) Chairman Abdur Rahman Khan on 22 January.
The letter, signed by the association's General Secretary Badal Chandra Roy, noted, "We believe that if these businesses are brought under registration, it could contribute a significant amount of revenue to the government exchequer."
The association believes that formalising these businesses could contribute significantly to government revenue.
To support their claim, BAJUS provided the NBR with a list of the 2,330 unregistered Jewellery businesses operating in the Dhaka metropolitan area.