Mouchak’s Kolija Singara: The original sin
Singara has been a beloved snack not only in Bangladesh but throughout South Asia, for centuries. Its origins can be traced back to Central Asia, where it was known as "samsa," prior to the 10th century. Abolfazl Beyhaqi (995-1077), an Iranian historian, even mentioned it in his historical work, Tarikh-e Beyhaghi. The samosa was introduced to the Indian subcontinent during the 13th or 14th century by traders from the Central Asian region.
The Singara that we're talking about today is the one that's been serving the city since the mid-80s. It's the liver singara from Mouchak Snacks in Mouchak market. The same singara that started its journey at TK1 is now TK20 a piece. Mouchak Snacks has tried to keep its recipe the exact same since its inception, but with inflation and everything, it too had to cut costs. The filling is still the same but the amount of liver isn't. It certainly felt a little less than I tried it a couple of years ago. As the people in the shop explained, the shop might have gotten a bit bigger but to keep things affordable, food sizes took a hit.
If you are looking to buy this singara, you better try it between 11 am and 4 pm. Unless luck is shining upon you, it is very rare that you'll be able to buy it past 4 pm.
But what sets this particular singara apart is that it has survived the chopping and changing of the city and managed to keep its place in people's hearts. More so than anything, it has the ability to connect you to your past.