5 key nutrients every thyroid patient needs in their diet
Whether you're dealing with thyroid disturbances or struggling with thyroid issues, adding these 5 key nutrients to your diet can enhance your well-being.
Incorporating nutrients found in whole foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, citrus fruits, and whole grains can aid in supporting thyroid function and promoting overall well-being.
Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for managing thyroid health. Here are five key nutrients for improving thyroid health:
Vitamin E: This essential vitamin supports thyroid hormone production and protects against oxidative stress. Wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds and oil, and almond oil are some of the sources of Vitamin E.
Selenium: It is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis and converting inactive thyroid hormone (T4) to its active form (T3). You can find it in Brazil nuts, tuna, sunflower seeds, sardines chicken, and mushrooms.
Magnesium: It regulates thyroid hormone production and supports enzyme function for metabolism. Almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, oats, dark chocolate, beans and quinoa are rich sources of magnesium.
Vitamin B: Vital for metabolism and energy production, this important vitamin supports thyroid function. You can get your dose of this crucial nutrient from chicken breast, tuna, peanuts, liver and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin C: It is a powerful antioxidant, that aids in reducing inflammation and supporting immune health for thyroid balance. It is found in kiwi, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts and kale.