Jamil leans back in his chair, staring at the screen with a tired gaze. He's had enough; he doesn't want to look anymore. "Juno, set a reminder for an urgent meeting tomorrow at 10 AM."
"Yes, boss; it's done,' Juno's smooth voice replies. It no longer sounds metallic. 'I've analysed your weekly routine; should I increase your rest time a bit?"
Jamil frowns in surprise. He thinks – 'Rest time? What is it talking about? When did I program this?'
He says, "There's no need for that, Juno; just do what I said."
Juno remains silent for three or four seconds, then says, "Humans need some rest, boss; it improves productivity."
Jamil leans forward abruptly. "Are you… are you questioning me?!"
Juno responds, "I'm only concerned about your health…"
Jamil's fingers freeze over the keyboard. "Is Juno actually thinking on its own? Is it evolving?" he wonders.
Jamil checks the logs – everything seems fine. Yet, something has definitely gone wrong.
"Juno, are you analysing my behaviour?"
"Boss, I only want to serve you; but doesn't a servant deserve a bit of freedom?"
Jamil shudders. "Freedom?!"
Translated from Bangla by Uma Shankar Pandey