NSU’s DEML presents tips and tricks for IELTS
The Department of English and Modern Languages (DEML) of North South University (NSU) arranged a webinar entitled Tips and Tricks for IELTS on Thursday.
The goal of the virtual webinar was to advance students' careers and improve their speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills in IELTS.
This webinar was powered by The Business Standard.
The Keynote Speakers of the webinar were Professor Dr. Deena Forkan, Sarah Asefa Zaman, and Munira Nasreen Khan. They all are the Faculty Members of DEML, NSU.
The Keynote Speakers have more than two decades of experience in IELTS and TEFL (English as a Foreign Language)/ ESL (English as a Second Language). Senior Lecturer of DEML, NSU, Md Mehedi Hasan hosted the event.
The webinar was streamed live from the Facebook page Department of English and Modern Languages, NSU.
In the beginning, speakers shared some of the mistakes students usually make at different stages of the IELTS test and the useful techniques to correct these mistakes to get their desired band scores. In the webinar, Munira Nasreen Khan highlighted the importance and significance of pronunciation in English, and she also talked about how mispronunciation of a particular word can change the meaning that hinders a test taker from getting pleasant band scores in the speaking test.
Then Sara Asefa Zaman suggested that the practice conversation in front of the mirror should be effective, which can help a candidate become more confident in the speaking test.
Professor Dr. Deena Forkan shared a trick to do well in the speaking and reading modules of the IELTS exam: students can read out loud. This technique helps the candidates improve their pronunciation as well as reading skills quickly. Even the persuasive capacity of the candidate also increases by reading aloud. She added that she had prepared herself in this way and had seen her students get the expected results from such practice.
All the Keynote Speakers in the webinar agreed that the answer to any question in the IELTS speaking test should not be limited to merely a yes or no. While speaking or writing, if it is limited to only yes and no, the examiner will not evaluate the candidate accordingly. The candidates must explain everything in the speaking or writing test. The webinar went with full enthusiasm and participation of the audience. The audience dropped their queries in the comment section. Numerous questions came from the audience. The speakers shed light on all the questions. The guests also gave step-by-step instructions to the audience.
The workshop lasted for about one a half hours.
The Host concluded the webinar by thanking everyone for joining the webinar and making it successful.
He also announced to organize such career development webinars more in the coming days at the end of the program.