BRACU marketing association and MACES hosts photography competition
BRAC University Marketing Association (BUMA) recently organised a photography marketing competition titled " Frames of Freedom " to showcase the essence of the student movement of July 2024.
The purpose was to honour the movement's memories and give general students and amateur photographers a platform to promote their talent. Bangladesh's leading education consultancy, MACES, which is always supportive of student initiatives, sponsored the competition. BUMA partnered with four universities and two college clubs as co-organizers to host the competition in their institutions. The clubs were the Army-IBA Business and Leadership Club, Nirban: An Artistic Platform for IUTians, BUP Photography Society, Rotaract Club of East West University, Photography Club of BNMPC and SAGC Photography Club.
The Frames of Freedom Photography Competition invited students from universities and colleges to share moments captured that resonate with the theme "Remembering the Days of Our 2nd Independence." The competition judges were Tanvir Murad Topu, Head of Photography, Pathshala South Asian Media Institute and Shafiqul Alam Kiron, Photographer, Map Photo Agency
MACES Managing Partner Mr Rouham Manzoor, BRACU Registrar Dr David Dowland, Proctor and Assistant Professor Rubana Ahmed, Assistant Professor at BRAC Business School, Club Advisor of BUMA Dr Syed Far Abid Hossain, and Joint Director, OCA Tahsina Rahman were present at the ceremony.